I came across a video made by an Irish gentleman that made some alarming claims about the vaccine. I was able to find his research online, and this is a review of the material I found there.
A Possible Marburg-RiVax Final Solution
by Kieran Morrissey
Mr Morrisey starts:
While it would now appear from Mainstream Media’s propaganda and the relaxation of some of the draconian restrictions on freedom, that the war on the COVID pandemic war is being won, however I believe that this is a ruse, reinforcement part of a larger PSYCOPS to complete an ongoing Eugenics agenda.
His Theory
Mr. Morrissey makes a lot of claims in this article, but the crux of his theory is this:
The recent easing of restrictions is a prelude to mass extermination by the government using vaccines laced with the deadly poison ricin. This will be achieved by diagnosing blood clots (from the vaccine) as Marburg fever, and then pushing RiVax, a vaccine containing the deadly toxin ricin which will kill billions of people who get it.
Other claims he makes:
- germ theory has been debunked, and that viruses do not cause infection
- COVID is harmless
- Vaccinations are the cause of the recent surge in hospitalizations
Summary Response
Fortunately, his research doesn’t hold up, for a number of reasons, the most obvious being:
- RiVax protects against ricin poisoning. It doesn’t contain ricin.
- RiVax is not even intended for Marburg fever. He conflates two products
- The rate of blood clots from vaccines is almost 10x that of COVID, and requires vaccinating 1 million people just to get 4 cases of blood clots. This isn’t enough to fake a Marburg pandemic
- Marburg fever has unique symptoms & blood tests, and is easily distinguished from COVID or vaccine clots.
- His attempts to shroud Marburg in conspiracy expose shallow research
- He makes easily disprovable claims about COVID, PCR tests, and adverse events.
- He makes many bold claims without offering any evidence
You can read further for a point-by-point response, including links to my sources:
he says:
COVID-19 disease has now been overwhelmingly proven to be just another treatable cold / Influenza
It’s hasn’t. It killed 350K people in the US last year.
which was medically mis-managed by denying early treatment
This implicates every doctor and nurse as being “in” on the plot, which is hardly realistic or fair. Doctors have always had autonomy to pursue treatment they see fit, and individuals looking for alternative treatments can join one of thousands of stalled studies desparate for participants.
this gave the misconception that there were excess deaths occurring and created mass hysteria.
This is not misconception. See Excess Deaths for info on the 500K excess deaths in 2020
PCR Tests
The use of the now debunked real-time PCR test to diagnose COVID produced large numbers of positive results
The COVID PCR test was designed to reduce false positives. in fact, almost all valid complaints about accuracy are that the tests produce a high rate of false negatives. False positives, if you want to call them that, are not truly false positives, but people carrying inactivated virus from prior infection.
dubbed “cases” without any symptoms, i.e. asymptomatic infections which is known not to exist,
When a pathogen enters your body, it starts replicating immediately. You are infected, but have no symptoms yet. This is the asymptomatic infection he’s claiming doesn’t exist.
If the pathogen replicates faster than your body can fight it, your viral load increases. Symptoms tend to occur, (but not always) when the viral load gets high and your body has to play catch up to fight it off.
The idea that asymptomatic transmission does not occur is not supported by the evidence or history. Remember Typhoid Mary?
We now know that at least 97% of those positive results were false due the excessive cycle thresholds used in testing labs. Real-time PCR was developed as a research tool and is considered not suitable for diagnostic purposes.
No source, explanation, or evidence for this claim.
New COVID mRNA and Viral Vector gene therapy technology “vaccine” injections were hastily developed,
In the 90s, there were already mRNA-focused companies, and they had already begun animal testing.
Moderna had enough expertise that they had their first COVID vaccine prototype ready 6 weeks after scientists uploaded the COVID-19 genetic sequence.
This is actually a good thing.
These injections were administered in a frenzy, in a mass global unlicenced experiment, without informed consent,
To be fair, they were first tested on almost 100K people in the largest stage iii (and i) clinical trials ever completed. During these trials, there were no significant adverse reactions reported in the vaccinated group that weren’t also present in the placebo group.
Clots from vaccines
causing many adverse reactions including symptoms similar to haemorrhagic fever i.e. bleeding and clots,
He’s greatly exaggerating the clot risk, which is actually 10x lower for vaccinated individuals than for COVID patients and happens at a rate of 4.1 per million..
Similarly, the likelihood of developing myocarditis from COVID is 16 times higher than developing myocarditis from getting the vaccine. Even for young healthy people, the risk is still 6 times higher from COVID than the vaccine.
The clots and bleeding have been found to be caused by the spike proteins generated by the body in response to the injections,
We don’t know the cause of clotting from COVID or vaccines. He didn’t offer any evidence or sources for this claim.
…and this is compounded by an undisclosed ingredient, Graphene Oxide, in the injections which is also known to cause clots and bleeding.
Again, there were no sources or evidence provided. Graphene Oxide is not an ingredient, and hasn’t been detected by purity and quality-control checks.
The first and second doses of the COVID injections have now weakened the overall health of the population as can be seen by the current situation in hospitals which are well above capacity during the summer months with patients suffering adverse reactions from the injections, many patients have symptoms similar to haemorrhagic fever.
This doesn’t square with observed reality.
If the vaccines were causing consistent hospitalizations, then we’d see significant hospitalization rates that correlate linearly with vaccination rates. What we’re seeing is the opposite:
- Hospitalizations are occurring in low-vaccination areas
- Hospitalizations are occurring among unvaccinated
Boosters serve as fake Marburg infection
The planned COVID booster injections claimed to be necessary due to waning immunity of the initial vaccinations, plus proposed injection of children, will undoubtably cause more severe haemorrhagic fever like symptoms and also be more widespread.
For mRNA vaccines, the odds of ending up with
clots is 4.1 per million. At
the current rate of US vaccination (~600,000 per day)…
…we’d expect to see 2.5 cases in the entire country each day. This isn’t enough to fake a pandemic.
As for boosters, they are a normal part of vaccine schedules and serve an important role in convincing your body to develop long-term immunity.
Consider tetanus, where 2 doses offers a few months protection, and 3 doses offers 10 years.
For what it’s worth, there is strong evidence that even thoses with natural immunity would benefit significantly from a single vaccine booster.
Conspiracy is brewing around Marburg fever
Bill Gates GAVI published an article on 22-Apr-2021 titled “The next pandemic: Marburg?”.
GAVI also published in 2021:
- The next pandemic: Rift Valley fever?
- The Next Pandemic: Hantavirus?
- The Next Pandemic: Another coronavirus?
- The Next Pandemic: Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever?
- The next pandemic: Lassa fever?
- The next pandemic: Marburg?
- The next pandemic: yellow fever?
- The next pandemic: H5N1 and H7N9 influenza?
- The next pandemic: Chikungunya?
- The next pandemic: Ebola?
- The next pandemic: Nipah virus?
Incidentally, each of these is also a WHO “virus of concern”.
There have been numerous Mainstream Media articles highlighting an upcoming threat Marburg and referencing the WHO in recent months.
Yes, “Mainstream Media” reported on Marburg recently due to the end of an outbreak in Guinea. For what it’s worth so did Newsmax, and NewsMax again, and Fox News, and Epoch Times
Primerdesign developed a one-step Real-Time PCR test genesig® in 2018 for Marburg haemorrhagic fever. Why would they develop a test in 2018 for an illness which has not had a major outbreak since 2005?
Primerdesign also built PCR tests for Zika, Crimean-Congo Fever, Nipah, MERS, Chikungunya, and others on the WHO “virus of concern” list.
They also developed a smallpox PCR test, and that’s been eradicated since 1980.
Mass Poisonings
Soligenix, are currently rushing to trial a ricin-rich vaccine RiVax® for Marburg haemorrhagic fever. RiVax has Fast Track designation for the prevention of ricin intoxication by the US FDA. Approval of ricin toxin vaccine will utilize the FDA Animal Rule to eliminate the phase 1, 2 & 3 trials. Why such a rush now, to trial a vaccine for which there has only been a total of 376 deaths since 1967 and only 16 deaths since 2005? The main component of the Rivax vaccine is Ricin is a lectin and a highly potent toxin produced in the seeds of the castor oil plant.
This is where he gets completely sideways.
He’s mixing two products up. Soligenix created a ricin vaccine called RiVax. To be clear, this product protects against ricin poisoning. It doesn’t contain ricin. It is not related to Marburg fever in any way.
Soligenix is also developing an unrelated vaccine for Marburg fever.
This makes sense since Ricin and Marburg are rare conditions with no cure or treatment, and Soligenix “is focused on developing and commercializing products to treat rare diseases where there is an unmet medical need.“
shareholders include BlacRrock Fund Advisors, Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC, etc.
These two shareholders own a combined total of less than one-half of one-percent of the company.
A paper tilled Asymptomatic Infection of Marburg Virus was published by the NIH in January 2021.
Yes, it was about asymptomatic infection of bats - and there are also recent studies about Zika, Ebola, Crimean-Congo Fever, Nipah, MERS, and Chikungunya.
The fabrication of the COVID-19 pandemic and its apparent failure leads me to believe that there is a second phase or final solution at hand
This is a huge illegal leap in logic.
Haemorrhagic fever symptoms can be easily increased and made more visible by forcing COVID booster injections on vulnerable
Not easily. You’d have to vaccinate a million people just to get 4 people with clots.
More importantly, Marburg has unique symptoms, and several lab tests. To assume that every doctor will purposefully misdiagnose COVID clots as Marburg Fever because BigPharma wants them to is far-fetched.
COVID injection injured patients, who are now prisoners in hospitals and nursing homes, plus injecting children.
He didn’t provide any evidence of this.
The haemorrhagic fever symptoms would appear as a huge Marburg pandemic and could be confirmed by the new Marburg PCR test causing mass hysteria like the world has never seen.
There is 0% chance that a vaccinated/COVID patient with clots would result in a (false) positive Marburg PCR test.
RiVax could be quickly deployed using the existing COVID injection infrastructure and the public would be easily convinced to take it using PSYCOPS on Mainstream Media.
If all world governments wanted to kill billions of people, there are much more effective and cheap means than a complicated multi-phase poisoned vaccination effort.
The toxic ricin in the RiVax would kill billions of people very quickly and effectively before they realised what was happening as the deaths would be attributed to Marburg haemorrhagic fever based on the symptoms.
There is no ricin in RiVax. The only result of such an effort would be to innoculate billions of people against ricin poisoning.
Even if the government poisoned people with ricin, autopsies would easily show it was ricin poisoning, not Marburg, since there would be no clotting.
People who refused the RiVax could be labelled as asymptomatic spreaders and placed in camps like they are doing in Australia claimed to be a COVID protection measure.
Where we presume they would be given food laced with ricin. And since they refused the RiVax vaccine, they would actually get sick, and could die.
I now understand that Louis Pasture fabricated his Germ Theory of Disease in the 1850’s stating that invisible microorganisms known as pathogens or “germs” lead to disease.
Pastures ideas on Viruses were concocted upon similar theories going back to Ancient Greece and Rome, more like a developing religion or cult rather than real scientific discovery.
His source for this bold claim is a link to the wikipedia page for Germ theory of disease, which actually explains why germ theory became the dominant theory for disease transmission.
I now believe that the theory developed by Antoine Bechamp (Pasteur bitter rival) Terrain Theory
His source for this claim is a link to a podcast which uses memes as arguments, and provides no source or evidence whatsoever.
This seems a bit of a false dichotomy, since there is a lot of room for overlap between these theories
microorganisms (germs) feed upon the poisonous material which they find in the sick organism and prepare it for excretion,
- Viruses aren’t alive. They have no metabolism and therefore have no preference for carbs, dairy, or toxins.
- They don’t eat, absorb, consume, reproduce, move, swim, or do anything except hijack cells for reproduction.
Bacteria do have metabolism, but pathogenic bacteria do not eat pre-existing poisons. How do we know this? Because we have microscopes now and we can watch them in isolation - where they very clearly are guilty of producing the toxins that kill humans, not metabolizing them.
much more similar to the natural immune response which we know to be true.
Our immune response is almost entirely about making our bodies inhospitable for pathogens, or killing pathogens and their source directly. This is the exclusive role of antibodies, T-cells, and B-cells.
However, Terrain Theory has been actively blocked due to a bias for the Germ Theory by Big Pharma due to its immense profitability.
Not really. Big Pharma has also been jumping on the microbiome bandwagon in 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. But these advances didn’t require them to abandom germ theory.
Unlike alt-medicine and homeopathy, pharmaceutical companies have to make products that overcome placebo and are proven to actually work in FDA trials.
I have discovered that the widespread use of vaccines has killed far more people than they have saved.
Evidence overwhelmingly says otherwise
A bookkeeper, John D. Rockefeller who made his fortune in the oil business was the first philanthropist and his foundations pioneered developments in medical research. The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research founded in 1901, was in the forefront of research in virology and principal investigator Louis O. Kunkel had researched the biology and pathology of the mosaic virus diseases. Beginning in 1930, the Rockefeller Foundation provided financial support to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, which later inspired and conducted eugenics experiments in the Third Reich. The Rockefeller empire in tandem with Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase), owns over half of the pharmaceutical interests in the United States today.
I’m not sure how this is relevant. Does the Rockefeller foundation control Moderna? Pfizer? or other major vaccine manufacturers? This just seems like conspiratorial well poisoning.
No alternative approach to the Germ Theory in virology, immunology or medicine including the increasing use of vaccines, has been possible due to the indoctrination of the sciences by the most powerful and wealthy industry in the world.
First of all, there is a massive amount of alternative research that happens – enough that BigPharma is investing billions into it.
But when it comes to hard sciences, you can’t indoctrinate, because whatever you teach actually has to be supported by evidence, and be reproducible.
Banking and Big Pharma who now control Mainstream Media and all medical and scientific institutions.
Cable news has always beeen a business, I’ll give him that. They sell news that agrees with what their customers want to hear. That includes CNN, Fox News, NewsMax, and OANN.
Banking and Big Pharma do not control medical and scientific institutions.
Please do your own research, quickly, use your critical thinking and let us unite to stop this madness. I believe the Marburg-RiVax final solution could be deployed suddenly while we are relaxing after the worst of COVID and distracted by the now daily revelations on Mainstream Media regarding the Government fraud and public health mismanagement which created the COVID emergency.
Not only could haemorrhagic fever symptoms be caused by the currently deployed COVID gene therapy injections but health departments are frantically pushing the HPV vaccine for girls and boys, this vaccine and even the MMR vaccine could be deliberately contaminated with nanoparticles of Graphene Oxide or other adjuncts which cause clots and bleeds, the haemorrhagic fever symptoms of Marburg.
When you study immunology and use critical thinking, you should end up learning about antibodies, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and monocytes/macrophages, cytokines. You study the metabolism of cells, and the mechanisms of viral replication… RNA and DNA. You learn about adjuvants, inactivated viruses, vectors, LNP, protein synthesis, protein bindings, cell presentation. You learn about bone marrow, and T-cell memory.
You don’t take your information from meme-littered websites with no sources that make unsubstantiated claims.
You find real active scientists, who avoid fatalistic adjectives, emotion, and politics because those things muddy the science. They speak cautiously, avoid absolutes, and constantly hedge against the fact that we’ll know more tomorrow. They check and double check their work, and have the discipline and patience not to declare things to be true that aren’t supported by evidence.
If you want to hear an expert talking about immunology, I recommend:
Shane Crotty
Works out of the La Jolla Institute for Immunology
TWiV podcast
This episode features Dr. Crotty.